I've been to Ardingly (pronounced ar-ding-lie) Transport festival in mid Sussex this weekend 07/08 July the weather started off as a grey day which by 1pm was turning to rain which persisted right through the day until it was pretty much a downpour by 5pm.
For the auto-jumble that meant tarpaulins and covers over practically every stand and exposed goods which was not only bad for business but you couldn't see anything to buy, literally. However despite the bad weather the 3 wheelers were quite well represented. Lomax seemed to be a popular choice with at least five being there.
Two Bond Bugs, never got to speak to the owners one who was in the club, a bubble car (no idea on what it was; I’m NO expert , you work it out), a Messerschmitt KR200 note the CD plate means it was originally registered in Brighton, a green Bond Minicar Mark E rounded grill note another CD plate from Brighton, and a blue Bond Minicar mark F convertible
Unfortunately my digital camera only managed thirteen pics (2Mb card) before it was full. and i missed a couple of vintage / veteren 3 wheelers-not Morgans though ( I know what they look like)